伦敦大学高级研究院,又译伦敦大学高等研究院(School of Advanced Study, 简称SAS)坐落于伦敦大学总部Senate House,由十所享誉世界的人文学科研究机构于1994年联合成立,是伦敦大学的成员之一。
中文名伦敦大学高级研究院外文名School of Advanced Study,简称SAS。创办时间为1994年。办学性质为公立大学学校类别。
伦敦大学高级研究院是英国唯一的一所直接由英国政府资助的人文学科研究机构,享有英格兰高等教育拨款委员会(HEFCE)的特殊拨款待遇。 高等研究院旨在为从事人文科学研究的学者营造一个国际化的学术研究环境并提供积极的研究支持服务。
The Institute for Advanced Study of the University of London is a British humanities research center, also known as the Institute for Advanced Study of the University of London, Britain's national humanities research center.
The Institute for Advanced Study (SAS), a member of the University of London (UCL), is located in the Senate House of UCL headquarters. Sas was founded in 1994 by ten world-renowned humanities research institutions.
School of Advanced Study (SAS), University of London. It was founded in 1994. The nature of the school is public university schools.
The Institute for Advanced Studies, University of London (UCL) is the only humanities research institution in the UK directly funded by the UK government, with special funding from the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE). The Institute for Advanced Study aims to create an international research environment and provide active research support services for scholars engaged in the humanities.
As a research center of the humanities in the United Kingdom, the Institute for Advanced Study does not admit undergraduate students, but mainly attracts doctoral students and visiting scholars from all over the world, and a small number of postgraduate students.
Due to the special nature of the Institute, the Institute for Advanced Studies does not participate in any university rankings. However, due to its special funding source (HEFCE), its tuition fees are relatively low for international students, usually around 50% of those of other colleges to which the University of London belongs.