哈佛大学儿童发展中心依托哈佛大学教育研究生院,由中心主任Jack P. Shonkoff医学博士于2006年建立,是一个多学科团队,致力于在政策和实践中推动以科学为基础的创新。中心的各种活动围绕着为科学创新建立一个研发平台,并支持甚至要求政策和实践格局合理改变。
Founded in 2006 by Center Director Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D., on the basis of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Harvard Center for Child Development is a multidisciplinary team dedicated to promoting science-based innovation in policy and practice. The Centre's activities revolve around creating a research and development platform for scientific innovation and supporting and even demanding sensible changes in policy and practice patterns.
Frontiers in Innovation, a platform for developing children's R&D, supports scientific research and uses it to inform the testing, implementation and improvement of strategies aimed at achieving better life outcomes for children facing adversity. The Centre's research vision is a strategy to achieve breakthrough results for children facing adversity, with innovation based on science. The center stimulates the demand for scientific innovation by translating and communicating complex ideas in simple, usable ways and in a variety of forms; Develop current and future leaders in the classroom and in the field and support them to think, work and lead differently; Foster institutional partners of collective ownership by building and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with travelers committed to achieving groundbreaking results for children.
The original mission of the Center was to create, translate, and apply scientific knowledge to close the gap between what is known and what we do to improve the lives of children facing adversity. Initially, research draws on existing knowledge about early childhood development to educate policy makers and support early investment. Over time, research has increasingly turned to science as a source of new ideas to significantly improve child outcomes. The current mission is to promote science-based innovation to achieve breakthrough results for children facing adversity.