圣彼得堡大学淀粉样蛋白生物学实验室实际上于2013年秋季开始运作,并于2014年在2013年圣彼得堡大学竞赛的基础上正式成立,以领先科学家为指导创建实验室。比赛的获胜者之一是佐治亚理工学院(美国亚特兰大)教授Yu.O. Chernov(毕业于圣彼得堡大学,也是生理遗传学实验室的员工),他领导新实验室的同时继续在美国工作。实验室的副主任是亚历山大·阿纳托利耶维奇·鲁贝尔博士。自2015年以来,Yu.O. Chernov还一直在俄罗斯科学基金会资助的“圣彼得堡大学转化生物医学”项目的框架内,朝着“创建和使用生物样本库以全面研究人类健康和长寿的生物学基础”的方向前进。实验室工作人员都参与了这个方向的发展。
The Amyloid Biology Laboratory of St. Petersburg University actually began operations in the autumn of 2013, and was officially opened in 2014 on the basis of the 2013 St. Petersburg University competition to create laboratories under the guidance of leading scientists. One of the winners of the competition was Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, USA) Professor Yu O. Chernov (a Graduate of St. Petersburg University and an employee of the Laboratory of Physiological Genetics), who continued to work in the United States while leading the new laboratory. The deputy director of the lab is Dr. Alexander Anatolievich Rubel. Since 2015, Yu.o. Chernov has also been working in the framework of the "St. Petersburg University Translational Biomedicine" project, funded by the Russian Science Foundation, towards "the creation and use of biobanthus for a comprehensive study of the biological basis of human health and longevity". Lab staff are involved in this direction.
The Department of Genetics and Biotechnology was actively involved in the preparation of the project and in the organization of the laboratory, and a number of laboratory staff were also employees of the Department. The Amyloid Biology Laboratory is located in the Molecular Genetics and Molecular Biology Building of the Old Peterhof St. Petersburg University.