Observe the nutritional changes of reeds and maximize the use chain of reeds
Reeds are usually only used as an emergency solution during poor harvests, as roughage for horses and cattle. By studying the proper way and time to harvest reeds, researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences are trying to preserve reeds with silage so that they can be used as feed during the winter.
The study began in 2019, with reeds collected from various locations in Sweden, including fields, pastures, lakeside and coastal areas. The biggest role of reed is to improve the environment. It can recover nutrients from eutrophic land and water to achieve the purpose of improving water quality. The research project aims to harvest at least 20 tons of reeds, removing 20-30 kg of nutrient phosphorus from the Baltic Sea, preventing the reeds from being littered and the nutrients returning to the sea.
Reeds are important to both birds and fish, but scattered strips of reeds can become monotonous and impenetrable surfaces, leading to low biodiversity. So the research team investigated animal and bird life and underwater vegetation in the area now being harvested in early summer, exploring how reed harvesting affects animals and plants.
Generally, the collection of reeds is carried out in late autumn or winter, when all the nutrients of the reeds have dropped to the roots. The study collected reeds in early, late, and early summer with a waterwheel to see how their nutritional value changed over time, and analyzed reed samples to explore nutrient content. In addition to analyzing reeds as a whole, the study also analyzed leaves and stems separately, allowing them to function individually. Reed leaves are more nutritious than stems and are suitable for feed, and stems are more suitable for soil improvement and making straws, etc.
The study explored whether the use of reeds as feed could enhance its value through various physical and biological processing methods.
Research using enzyme additives to break down reed to see if it can be digested easily. The researchers wrapped the reeds in round bales, added organic acids or bacterial cultures, and then wrapped the whole thing in plastic wrap to complete the process.Silage was found to interact with reed to make it more digestible and suitable as feed for capturing phytonutrient crops and animals with lower nutritional requirements, such as horses and non-milking cows as well as heifers and succulents.
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