尽管自动化制造在今天无处不在,但它曾经是奥利弗·埃文斯(Oliver Evans)等发明家开创的一个新生领域。埃文斯被认为创造了第一个完全自动化的工业过程,他建造了一个面粉厂,并在18世纪末逐渐实现了自动化。创造自动化结构或机器的过程仍然是非常自上而下的,需要人类、工厂或机器人来进行组装和制造。
Innovative development of "magnetic programming" enables materials to selectively self-assemble
Researchers at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have tried to overcome these problems with a novel approach: introducing magnetically reprogrammable materials that can be overlaid on different parts, much like robotic cubes, allowing them to self-assemble. The key to their process is to make these magnetic programs highly selective about what they are connected to, enabling them to robustly self-assemble into specific shapes and selected configurations.
The researchers used a soft magnetic coating material from cheap refrigerator magnets to give the surface of each cube they made a magnetic signature. These features ensure that each face is selectively attractive to only one other face in all the other cubes, either by translation or rotation. All cubes can be magnetically programmed at very high resolution. Once they are dropped into the tank (with completely random interference), they collide with each other. If they meet the wrong mate, they leave, but if they find the right mate, they stick together.
Using the team's magnetic plotter, one can plug a cube into the plotter and reprogram it. Each time the plotter touches the material, it creates a magnetic pixel facing "north" or "south" on the soft magnetic coating of the cube, allowing the cube to be reused when needed to assemble a new target shape. Before drawing, the search algorithm checks that each signature is compatible with all previously programmed signatures to ensure that they are selective enough to successfully self-assemble.
With active assembly, robotic parts can regulate their behavior online to position, position, and connect with neighboring parts, and each module needs to be embedded with hardware for computing, sensing, and actuation to enable self-assembly. More importantly, a person or computer is needed in the loop to actively control the actuators embedded in each part to make it move. Despite the success of active assembly in reconfiguring various robotic systems, the cost and complexity of electronics and actuators has been a significant barrier to self-assembled hardware in both quantity and size.
With the passive approach of these researchers, there is no need for embedded drives and controls. Once programmed and released in response to random disturbances, which give them the energy to collide with each other, they transform on their own without any guiding intelligence.
The trick the team used, in order not to have to reproduce them, was a mathematical description of the magnetic signals, each of which is described as a two-dimensional matrix of pixels. These matrices ensure that any magnetic programming parts that should not be connected will interact, producing as many attractive pixels as repulsive ones, leaving them agnostic to all mismatched parts in translation and rotation.
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