该视频显示了一根锂金属线,上面涂有一层称为SEI的层,并与周围的液体电解质饱和;虚线表示此 SEI 图层的外边缘。当电解质被去除时,SEI变干并收缩(箭头)至其先前厚度的一半左右。
Innovative development of "Cryo-EM snapshot" can improve battery design
Researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University have taken the first high-resolution images of the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI), showing the naturally plump state of this layer. The advance was made possible by cryo-electron microscopy, a revolutionary technique that reveals details as small as atoms.
Cryo-em is a type of electron microscope that uses electrons instead of light to see very small parts of the world. By rapidly freezing samples to a transparent glassy state, scientists can observe the cellular machines that perform life functions in their natural state and at atomic resolution.
Inspired by the many success stories of biological cryo-EM, researchers explored whether cryo-EM could be as useful a tool for studying energy-related materials as it is for studying living systems.
Their first focus was on the troublesome SEI layer on the battery electrodes. In 2017, they released the first atomic-scale image of this layer, as well as images of finger-like growth of lithium wires that can Pierce the diaphragm between the two halves of a battery, causing a short circuit or fire.
But to make those images, they had to remove the battery parts from the electrolyte, so that the SEI would dry to a shrunken state. No one knows what it looks like when it's wet in a working battery.
To capture SEI in their moist native environment, the researchers came up with a way to make and freeze extremely thin films of electrolyte liquid containing tiny lithium metal wires, which provide a surface for corrosion and SEI formation.
First, they inserted the metal mesh used to hold the cryogenic electromagnetic sample into the coin battery. When they took it out, the electrolyte film was attached to small circular holes inside the mesh, where it was held by surface tension just long enough to do the rest of the procedure.
However, these films are still too thick for the electron beam to penetrate and produce a clear image. So researchers have come up with a solution: use blotting paper to mop up excess liquid. The blotted mesh was immediately placed in liquid nitrogen, freezing the small film glassy and perfectly preserving the SEI. This is all done in a closed system that protects the film from exposure to air. It turns out that in these humid environments, sei absorbs the electrolyte and expands to about twice its original thickness.
When the team repeated the process for six other electrolytes with different chemical compositions, they found that some produced SEI layers that were much thicker than others, and that the most inflated layers were associated with the worst battery performance.
The team also used the ultrafine tip of an atomic force microscope (AFM) to probe the surface of the SEI layers and confirmed that they are softer in the wet, expanded state than in the dry state.
Since the 2017 paper revealed the role of cryEM on energy materials, it has been used to amplify materials for solar cells, as well as cage-like molecules called organometallic frameworks that can be used in fuel cells, catalysis and gas storage.
As for the next step, the researchers say they hope to find a way to image the materials in 3D and image them while they are still inside a working battery to get the most realistic picture yet.
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