斯坦福大学的工程师们提出了一个潜在的解决方案:一种新型的电阻随机存取存储器(RRAM)芯片,它在存储器本身内进行人工智能处理,从而消除了计算和存储单元之间的分离。他们的“内存计算”(compute in memory,CIM)芯片被称为Neuram,大约有指尖那么大,在有限的电池电量下比现有芯片能做的更多。
Neuram的架构允许芯片以低功耗和紧凑的面积足迹执行模拟内存计算。它是与加州大学圣地亚哥分校的Gert Cauwenberghs实验室合作设计的,后者是低功耗神经形态硬件设计的先驱。该体系结构还支持数据流方向的可重构性,支持各种人工智能工作负载映射策略,并可以与不同类型的人工智能算法一起工作——所有这些都不会牺牲人工智能计算精度。
Develop new chips to improve AI computing efficiency
Engineers at Stanford University have proposed a potential solution: a new type of resistive random access memory (RRAM) chip, which performs artificial intelligence processing in the memory itself, thus eliminating the separation between computing and memory cells. Their "compute in memory" (CIM) chip is called neuram, which is about the size of a fingertip and can do more than existing chips with limited battery power.
In order to overcome the bottleneck of data movement, researchers implemented the so-called in memory computing (CIM), which is a new chip architecture that performs AI computing directly in memory rather than in a separate computing unit. The storage technology used by neuram is resistive random access memory (RRAM). It is a kind of nonvolatile memory - a memory that can save data even when power is off - and has appeared in commercial products. RRAM can store large AI models in a small area and consume little power, making it very suitable for small-size and low-power edge devices.
Although the concept of CIM chip has been established, and the idea of implementing AI computing in RRAM is not new, this is the first time that a large amount of memory is integrated into a neural network chip and all benchmark results are presented through hardware measurement.
Neuram's architecture allows the chip to perform analog memory calculations with low power consumption and a compact area footprint. It was designed in collaboration with the GERT cauwenberghs laboratory at the University of California, San Diego, a pioneer in low-power neuromorphological hardware design. The architecture also supports the reconfigurability of data flow direction, supports various AI workload mapping strategies, and can work with different types of AI algorithms - all of which will not sacrifice the accuracy of AI calculation.
To demonstrate the accuracy of neurram's AI capabilities, the team tested its functions in different tasks. They found that the letter recognition accuracy of MNIST dataset was 99%, the image classification accuracy of cifar-10 dataset was 85.7%, the google voice command recognition accuracy was 84.7%, and the image reconstruction error of Bayesian image recovery task was reduced by 70%.
Efficiency, versatility and accuracy are all important aspects of widely adopting this technology, and the collaborative optimization of the entire stack from hardware to software is the key. Neurram is a physical proof of concept, but more development is needed before it is ready to be converted into an actual edge device.
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