关于语言和大脑的传统看法,大多数人认为左侧外侧裂语言区是大脑中负责加工语言的区域,且额叶和颞叶脑区共能分工严格鲜明: 左侧颞叶皮层的Wernicke区被认为进行语言感知 ,左侧下额叶皮层的Broca区则支持语言产生,弓形束则是连接这两个脑区的神经纤维。
Brain imaging of 45 language users demonstrates the versatility of the overall architecture of language networks
Neuroscientists mostly use English speakers as the object of study to determine the language area of the brain of native English speakers. The Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the National Institutes of Health, the McGovern Institute, and the Simmons Center for the Social Brain gave financial support to neuroscientists at MIT to map brain language networks in 45 language speakers, and to produce results in brain imaging studies that occur in multiple languages to confirm the universal similarity of language networks in the human brain.
However, the vast majority of these mapping studies are done among English speakers as they listen to or read English texts. Neuroscientists at MIT have now conducted brain imaging studies on users of 45 different languages. The results showed that the speaker's language network appeared to be essentially the same as that of native English speakers.
The language area is peculiar to the human cerebral cortex, mostly on the left side of the brain, but the precise position and shape vary from person to person, not everyone. In order to find the language network, while scanning the brains of study subjects with functional magnetic resonance imaging, each person was given the task of language, allowing them to listen to or read sentences in their native language. And avoid activating language networks by having the subjects solve mathematical problems or listen to unfamiliar languages in order to distinguish them from other areas of the brain.
The researchers used Alice in Wonderland, one of the most translated novels in the world, as experimental text, from which 24 short and 3 long paragraphs were selected, each of which was recorded by native speakers in 45 languages. Each participant also heard the wrong passage that should not activate the language network and was asked to do other cognitive tasks without activation attributes.
The study brainied two speakers in 45 different languages, representing 12 different language families. The results found that the study participants spoke a wide variety of languages, but that language networks were all in essentially the same areas of the brain and had the same selectivity as native English speakers.The researchers said that the language network region does not respond to 45 language users in behavioral species that have no activation attributes such as spatial memory tasks, indicating that the language field is selective. In addition, the activated locale such as the frontal and temporal language regions among English speakers have similar synchronization among other language speakers.
Also, in all subjects, the small amount of variation that occurred between individuals who spoke different languages was the same amount of variation that could be seen between native English speakers. These findings all suggest that the location and key properties of language networks appear to be connected in the brains of different language speakers.
Research confirms that the basic properties and overall architecture of the brain's language network are common between different language users, but it does not mean that they are exactly the same as each other. The researchers were looking for differences in language speakers who used primarily morphemes rather than word order to help determine the meaning of sentences. This could also help investigate whether the language networks of language speakers who convey the meaning of different words with tonal differences have a stronger connection to the auditory brain region.
In addition, the researchers also studied the time perception thresholds of speakers of different languages in six types of linguistics, including Turkish, Mandarin, and Finnish, to explore whether the constraints of the practice acceptance field have a similar effect on various languages. The time perception threshold is the number of words that the language processing system processes at once, and in English its magnitude is six to eight words. The researchers worked to find language speakers outside of 45 languages to help create language localizers.
2022-07-02涉及学科涉及领域研究方向前沿医学 | 通过分析交通事故数据帮助预测车祸受害者的脑损伤风险
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