Innovative development of "Quantum Simulator" to provide audio dimension to "optical lattice"
To build the device, the researchers filled an empty mirror cavity with ultra-cold rubidium quantum gas. By itself, this is a superfluid, a phase of matter in which atoms can flow in a vortex without resistance. When exposed to light, rubidium superfluids spontaneously rearrange into supersolids - rare phases of matter that simultaneously display the order seen in crystals and the extraordinary mobility of superfluids.
Bringing sound into the cavity are two carefully spaced concave mirrors that are so reflective that a photon has only a 1% chance of passing through them. The reflectance and special geometry - the radius of the curved mirror is equal to the distance between them - allow photons pumped into the cavity to pass through the atom more than 10,000 times. In the process, the photons form a special kind of tight bond with the atoms, forcing them to arrange into a lattice.
The cavity the researchers used provides more flexibility in the shape of the light that bounces back and forth between mirrors. This particular cavity allows the lattice of superfluid atoms (supersolids) to move around, so that, unlike other optical lattices, it is free to twist when poked - which creates sound waves. To initiate phonon emission through the elastic lattice, the researchers used an instrument called a spatial light modulator to poke it, which allowed them to program the light injected into the cavity in different modes.
The researchers used holograms that captured the light coming out of the cavity to assess how this affected the contents of the cavity. Holograms record the amplitude and phase of light waves, allowing phonons to be imaged. In addition to mediating interesting physics, a high-curvature mirror inside the device produces high-resolution images, much like a microscope, which led the researchers to name their invention "active quantum gas microscopy."
The researchers confirmed the presence of phonons in the device by sending different patterns of light and measuring them, then comparing them to Goldstone dispersion curves. This curve shows how energy, including sound, moves through the crystal; The fact that their findings match that confirms the existence of phonons and vibrational supersolids.
量子计算理论创新 | 基于光子和气体作用机制创新量子系统存储数据的方式
涉及学科涉及领域研究方向量子计算+原子物理 | 创新利用“碱土原子”实现量子特定计算